Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ryan uses the potty for the very first time! Hooray!

I know I have been slacking majorly with updates but I have been feeling Terrible with a capital T:( Anyways I just had to let you all know that Ryan has for weeks now been telling us poo poo when he has a poopy diaper mostly he does but sometimes not. But yes he has been telling me after his bath last night and tonight that he had to go poo poo. Last night I said okay lets get on the potty and he sat on the potty and farted. Tonight again he told me after his bath that he had to go poo poo I said again lets get on the potty and he squatted over the potty (did not actually sit) and actually pooped in the potty! Hooray! He was so proud I quickly ran and got the camera and took a picture of him standing next to his first poop (like Jon and Kate plus 8) But we were both so proud and I made a big enough deal that I hope he will do it again but I don't want to push it only if he mentions it again. I do have a few friends who's kids are in pull ups if he continues I may look into it again I will let him tell me when he is ready but this is huge!

Okay I know I have been slacking in the updates. We had our 12 week u/s yesterday and all is well the baby is growing and healthy with a very strong heartbeat! Such great news we will still have to wait another 6-8 weeks to find out the sex. My rash is improving I went back to the dermatologist and we both agreed it was better. The nausea is not getting any better but hopefully we will see an end soon. The extreme fatigue is actually much better but I still find myself nodding off watching Martha while Ryan is napping. I am so thankful that Ryan is such a great napper I hope it continues it is like he knows I do not feel well and I need the rest. Such a good baby! (yeah except Tues when he threw my newly potted Gerber daisy over the side of the deck...yes both of them...nice!) But yes he is a good boy most of the time no one is perfect!

Some of Ryan's new words this week:
"Bampa" grampa
"Dad Dad" Granddad
"Pia" Polina
"Ine" for Caroline
"Beeya" for Buya a thing he does with Daddy
"Yeyyo" for yellow
"boo" for blue
"durty" for dirty

Oh I also wanted to let you all know that Greg is going to be on the cover of the 2008 Vineyard Vines Catalog with some of his friends. I have not seen the cover yet but I heard from a friend. Look for him he will be with 3 other boys wearing khaki's, blue blazers and pink cape cod VV ties. Hey if genpact does not work out maybe there is modeling in his future!


Jenny G said...

Yay, Ryan!! Too funny you took to poo poo potty photo! Ava hasn't done that yet, so I still have time to consider the photo :) BTW, she wants nothing to do with her potty. It was a passing trend I guess. Hopefully soon though. Not that I want to have to clean a potty regularly, but would love to save on diapers..

Glad to hear your rash is better. Hope the pregnancy gets better soon!

mccashew said...

YAY Ryan!!! That is great news. Sounds like things have been crazy for your family... Rest up! I'm sending as many good thoughts as I can that you will hit that 2nd trimester energy surge anytime now... love all the new words... so cute!

Christina said...

that is great news!!! keep it up, Ryan!!