Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Weekend Re-Cap

Okay I know it is already Wednesday and I am just now re-capping the weekend events but I have been a bit tired lately. We started off visiting our friends way over in Cheshire for a little get together. Lama is a friend of mine from work and she has a daughter Maya about the same age as Ryan. I have not seen Maya since she was a baby and she is now 18 months old where does the time go? Ryan really had a blast playing with Maya and all her cool toys and her power wheels ATV. Lama made these fantastic zucchini chips dipped in parmesan cheese then baked in the oven that I can't wait to try. We had such a great time catching up!

Sunday we spent the afternoon with the McCashews for a fun BBQ and we got to finally meet the C3 family. It was so great to spend time with all of you. Caroline is growing up so fast and it was so amazing to see her cautiously walking all around with such a huge proud smile on her face! What a whole new world for Caroline! The food was so fantastic and I had been craving a nice big juicy burger and Kerri your mom's pie was just to die for. It was great catching up and getting to know the C3 family and little Christian who is so adorable and very sweet. Welcome to the neighborhood! We look forward to spending some time with all of you again soon!

Yesterday we had a quick visit from Grammy and Granddad on their way home from Florida. They were passing through and they brought goodies for Ryan. Grammy brought Ryan a little stuffed animal and some cool shark beach shoes. Ryan just loved his new treats! I think Dylan was eyeing his new stuffed toy though. It was great to see Grammy and Granddad it had been a while. They really enjoyed their visit with Ryan and had commented on how different he looked even though it had only been a little over a month since we saw them last. Welcome home I bet Sabrina (the family pet) was so happy to see you guys! Thanks for stopping by!

Today we had a lunch play date with our new little friends Christian and Christina. It was a bit chilly but we decided to head over across the street to the park anyways and the boys played and played. Ryan loved to get his hands dirty in the sand and go down the big slide while Christian enjoyed the swings. It was great to spend time with you guys today. Thanks for coming over!

I made enchiladas tonight for dinner and to my surprise Ryan actually loved them. He thought the tortillas were a bit hard to chew but he loved the meat and black beans and guacamole topped with Greek style yogurt (instead of sour cream). They were really cheesy and yummy I just hope the taco seasoning was not too much for Ryan's tummy. I gave him some applesauce for dessert just to cool things off in case it was a bit spicy.

Glad to have the sunshine back again. But we desperately needed the rain. Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

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