Sunday, March 2, 2008

Our family trip to Bradenton

Ryan age 1

So we started the vacation off by being stopped by the security team at Bradley International Airport apparently they found traces of explosives on Ryan's stoller....geeze I think they may have made a mistake. But seriously glad they were thorough. We got escorted by the team and frisked down even Ryan had to get frisked poor baby....and they hand searched all our carry ons and almost confiscated the cold pack I had for Ryan's milk...hey I did not want it to sour we were headed to Florida after all (apparently these are not approved liquids by the TSA). It was all good we survived. Ryan was pretty good on the plane we made a major mistake though and totally deprived him of his nap hoping he would snooze the whole trip..unfortunately an hour and a half into the flight after he had been eating non stop since we boarded the plane he had had it and that was it he was really overtired and past due for his nap. He actually got red in the face and started screaming but just for a few minutes. I looked at Greg in a panic and said "do something quick...anything" and very calmly he got up from his seat crying baby in arms and he walked back and forth for a few minutes until Ryan peacefully fell asleep for the remainder of the flight..thank goodness. Thank you do people travel with babies alone? Could not do it I don't think. Thankfully the trip home we passed security checks (I had wiped down the stroller but was worried about the powdery substance on the suitcases from the oatmeal mishap)and he was a perfect angel on the way home. Needless to say he literally ate the entire 2.5 hour flight home..hey we just kept feeding him whatever to keep him quiet! Of course after all that food he pooped and I had to change his diaper in the nasty airplane restroom totally not baby friendly quite frankly it was my worst nightmare! The flight attendant laid down a blanked for me but of course Ryan was touching everything in sight..I cringe just thinking of all the germs you know me I am such a germaphobe! But I tried to wipe things down one handed with Ryan in my other hand but it was difficult and of course I wiped his hands down after but it is not the same I am sure all you moms know how I felt but I had to change his diaper he actually started to cry and wanted his pants changed immediately or there may have been another scene. But I got over my fear and changed him there in the tiny dirty airplane rest room as he touched every dirty little apparatus he could reach....and we still lived to talk about it. One day I will look back and laugh. But I am the mom who will run out to the car to change Ryan there rather than change him in a public rest room. I can only image how potty training will be in public. I will be the mom with the portable travel potty in the back of my car I just know it!

So we had a wonderful time in warm sunny Florida. Not a hint of rain and felt right at home in Grammy and Granddad's condo. Ryan really enjoyed spending time with his Grandparents and Auntie Jen and Uncle Paddy. We missed Auntie Erin and Uncle Brian but we hear they had a blast in Mexico. Ryan enjoyed running around at the beach chasing the seagulls, and walks around the condo with Grammy and Granddad, and trips to the playground just around the corner. Ryan did get into a little mischief always. He took Uncle Paddy's cell phone one night after his bath and ran away so one noticed and then you hear "uh oh" from the bathroom...yep he threw it in the tub... and that was the end of it. I was just about to drain the water. He is just so quick. And of course you saw the photos of the oatmeal as we were packing up. Now we can look back and laugh. Paddy we owe you a cell phone! So sorry about that!

What a perfect winter weather get away! We had such a fantastic time. Greg and I even got to sneak away for 2 days day for shopping at the outlet mall and for another for a day at the beach. Thanks Grammy and Granddad for a wonderful vacation. We really enjoyed spending time with the Flynn family.

And of course thanks to Grammy and Grampy for taking care of Dylan while we were away. We know he had a mini vacation in Ma too. Glad to be home but sad to leave the warm weather and sandy beaches of Bradenton. Back to reality we are headed back to work tomorrow. Hope you all enjoyed the photos.


Erin Flynn said...

So glad you all had fun in Florida! The pictures of Ryan on the beach are adorable.

Christina said...

I feel your pain about the germs! I always change Christian either in the car when we are out in public. gross, gross just thinking about all those lurking germs in public restrooms :)

We need to get in touch with each other soon! We will be moving the area within the next 2 months - scary and excited at the same time!