Saturday, July 12, 2008

Please Say a Prayer for Granddad Jack!

So just a quick update....we are headed to Boston to see Granddad Jack today. Was experiencing some chest pain yesterday and Nancy had to call 911 (she probably saved his life) Turns out after a cardiac catheterization (procedure where they look for blockages in your main vessels of the heart) that he has 4 blockages includeing a main artery blockage. So he is on a ballon pump to hold his arteries open and will need emergent quadruple bypass surgery this weekend(open heart surgery or CABG). So we are packing up the car and headed to Boston. The good news is that Jack did not have a heart attack just the blockages (also known as CAD- coronary artery disease or atherosclerosis-fatty plaque build up) and looks like they prevented one with the cardiac cath! Please say a prayer for us! Will update more when we know more! Thanks for thinking of us!


Christina said...

Jen, i will certainly say a couple prayers. Will be thinking of you guys...

Jenny G said...

Saying a prayer for him now.

mccashew said...

Thinking of you all!!!