Monday, September 17, 2007

11 Months Old Today!

Can't believe Ryan is 11 moths old today. It does not seem possible that he is almost a year old! Ryan is growing so quickly I know I say this all the time but I can't believe how quickly time flies by. So he took many more steps today for Polina! She said he took 4-5 steps at a time. How exciting must be the new shoes we bought yesterday! Pretty soon he will be running all over and I will have to chase him everywhere and I can barely keep up with him now!

The house is quiet tonight now that all the visitors are gone and since Greg is traveling. Dylan is napping on the ottoman and Ryan is fast asleep exhausted from all the walking today! I am very tired too so i am going to sing off and head to bed just wanted to give everyone a quick update! Enjoy the fall like weather!


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