Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekend with Grammy and Granddad

Weekend recap goes a little like this....Starting with Thursday we had a play date at Sophia's and Ryan had so much fun with all his girlfriends- Sophia, Caroline, and Lila. So funny to watch them all "toddle around" seems like not that long ago we were all trying to keep them from crawling off the picnic blanket now we are all trying to keep them from running away. These toddlers have alot of energy! Then on Thursday the mom's enjoyed a fun girl's night out at Sakura my personal favorite Japanese restaurant. It was so nice to get out with just the girls and not have to worry about entertaining the toddlers. I actually got to sit down to a nice dinner without interruption..gasp my first uninterrupted meal in a while. Greg and I usually inhale our food I hardly ever get to finish my meal these days because Ryan also inhales his food too. It was a fun night out something we have to do more often!

2007-11-18 Ryan 13 months

Friday the Flynns came down to stay with Ryan while Greg and I enjoyed a fun night out in the city for his holiday party. It was at Tuscan Square in Rockefeller center. The food was fantastic and all of Greg's co-workers were so nice. It was great to meet some of them. We even danced a little. What a late night though we did not get in until nearly 1 AM the latest we have been out in over a year. 2 nights out in a row was alot for me thank goodness the Flynn's took Ryan in the morning so we could sleep in a little. They really enjoyed their visit with Ryan. Even Auntie Jen came in from the city to visit for a while. We enjoyed dinner at Bangalore on Saturday night together before Auntie Jen caught her train back to the city.

Today we enjoyed a restful day at home Grammy and Granddad played with Ryan in the morning while I hit the gym and ran some errands. Greg left at 3 Am for South Carolina for a golf outing with Neil. Grammy and Granddad got to spend the day with Ryan. He is just bursting with energy and I think he tuckerd out his grandparents I know he tuckers me out everyday! Ryan just loves his grandparents so much and really enjoyed the weekend visit. Him and I were so sad to see them leave!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. We will be spending Turkey day with the Flynn's this year. Ryan can't wait to see his Great grandparents. Miss you all.

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