Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Love Daddy!

2007-11-26 Ryan 13 months

Here are some pictures from the past weekend. Hope you all enjoy. Some are from Uncle Brian's 30th birthday party, Thanksgiving with the Flynn's and the Strattons and Ryan in his rocking chair. We are so happy to say that Ryan has started saying DADDY...Yay! He will now recognize Greg and call him Daddy instead of Da Da. It is so cute he gets so excited to see his Daddy now. So happy to say Greg missed the boat on the trip to India...his passport was going to expire next Feb and they denied his visa only allowing him to enter unless it was a dire emergency. So yay and his trip to China got moved back to next week so he can come to my Holiday party this weekend. We are so excited to have him home this week.

Ryan had his sing and sign class today. He is learning more and he actually followed some simple instructions by placing some dishes in a container when it was time to clean up the toys. Also one of the girls in his class said "no no no" to Ryan as he was banging on some cabinets and she escorted him back to the circle to my lap....the teacher commented on how Lily was telling him to stop banging on the cabinets and return to the circle with mommy. It was so cute! He also loves to dance in the class too. As soon as the music was turned on he started moving his hips and swinging his arms side to side. We really have to get it on video it is soooo cute. He even danced for Frank, Teresia, and Sofia today (our next door neighbors)

So I wanted to share that it can be difficult to get groceries done with a grabby toddler. We went shopping yesterday and for some reason Ryan kept grabbing everything in close range of the shopping it be those plastic produce bags, the produce itself, bags of anything you name it. I finally just gave him my cell phone to keep him happy he kept grabbing at my purse...then he thought it was so funny to throw it on the floor and then whine when I took it away I finally said enough but he whined some more and people started looking so I gave I gave in yet again. Then as I was loading up the car I almost forgot my cell phone in the back of the shopping cart that would have been disastrous I am sure it is bound to happen one of these crazy days.

Next stop was A & S fine foods for some meat...they have the best in town but to my dismay there were no parking spaces at the deli and I really needed meat...Darn it why did I pass up the meat at the grocery store? Anyways I had to wait until someone pulled out so I could pull in so Ryan in tow off to the deli we went....
Goes something like this.......
They sort of know us there and talk to Ryan and all was good he was standing near the glass peering through looking at all the raw meat there were a few people ahead of us and of course a few seconds before out turn Ryan found the shelve at his eye level with all the bags of single serving chips and he started grabbing and throwing them around the deli...I am chasing after him trying to put the bags back neatly on the shelf and I hear...
"next in line can I help you"?.....
I run back over give my order.....Ryan bolts for the canned goods...
I run back pick him up and now he starts to fuss trying to shimmy out of my arms....
I did not want to make a scene others started looking....I put him down....
"something else miss" From behind the counter...
I glance over to see Ryan is batting his eyelashes and flirting with the girl who came over to say hello. I think to myself good distract him from more destruction please....
I turn back and finish up my order. No sooner and I reaching to get my meat and I see Ryan going for the small green hand held shopping baskets and yes he toppled them all over...
CRASH they went lucky for for me the cute girl Ryan was flirting with said...
"oh how cute let me get that"...I am thinking to myself smiling while grinding my teeth yeah..really cute.

Note to self settle for meat from the grocery store...,,even if it is not quite as good as the meat from the Italian Deli....must learn to lower standards a tad to help improve efficiency while food shopping with a toddler.

So yeah my point was that I had booked an extra day with Polina today in anticipation of Greg;s travel plans I thought I could use the time to run errands because I thought it was going to be alone this week but as it turns out I was able to do some fun stuff for myself...went to the Gym, did a little shopping and stopped by work for an in-service on our new Optifast medical nutritional weight loss program we will be starting in Jan. Really looking forward to this program rumored to have a high success rate and patients lose on average 50-75 lbs in the first 12 weeks...seems still a bit unrealistic to me but we will see what happens. The patients will get their visits with us covered by insurance if their BMI is greater than 35 with co-morbid conditions such as HTN, Diabetes, High Lipids, and such. the patients have to buy all the food which consists of these really yummy shakes, bars, pudding, and soup.....and that is all they eat for 12 weeks. The best part is it is managed by a physician and myself so the patients will know what is in the food is safe. I tried the shakes myself they are quite tasty just don't know if I could eat only that for 12 weeks straight. They provide 100% balance of carbs/protein/fat and all the vitamins/minerals you would need. Dr. menon claims that he drank a shake for breakfast and it was so filling he was not hungry until lunch. Basically our new program is a healthy alternative to bariatric surgery. The people at Optifast claim to have 80-90% compliance and drop our rates are low providing we offer the proper encouragement and couseling on a week to week basis. I am optimistic about this new program weight loss has always been an extreme interest of mine clincially so I will keep you updated with the program.....geez between this and the diabetes study I will be busy...but busy is good! Good news the study is closed for screening..Yay! less work for me. Glad this job is keeping me on my toes and I am truly enjoying every second. How lucky I am to enjoy the work I do and still be able to spend time at home with what if it involves chasing him through the Italian Deli...

Not too much else going on here. We are just so happy to have Daddy home for now even if it is just for a little while. Hope everyone has a great week. And talk to you all soon.


mccashew said...

Isn't it so nice to have a life balance? I don't blame you A & S is AWESOME and might be worth the aggravation =)

You got some really nice holiday photos - I cannot get over how grown up your boy is!!!

AND YAY for having Greg home!!!

Erin Flynn said...

The Christmas photo shoot of Ryan in the blue fleece is absolutely adorable! He is sooooo cute!!! I miss him already...