Tuesday, February 19, 2008


So Greg called this morning just to say hello and see how we were doing. Of course he wanted to say hello to Ryan too so I gave him the phone (I had it on speaker so I could hear too) and Greg said to him "who am I"? and Ryan replied "Dada" It was absolutely priceless! I ran downstairs to get the video camera and I told Greg to ask him again and I turned the camera on and of course...No way! Totally not happening again. It was the I only do that once trick. Oh well too bad it was really cute though.

Just a few other new happenings.
Ryan can count to 4. "on, tooow, tee, fooo"
When asked "What the duck says" He replies "caaack, caack, caack"
Favorite words: "up, oh oh, dog, thank you, all done, dada and Mom"!
Always says thank you when given something he wants like a cup, or a toy, or his bunny
Can follow simple directions for example "put your diaper in the trash" and "knock on the bathroom door"
Knows where his mouth, nose, eyes, ears, chin, legs, toes, arms, hands, and belly button are.
Dances and tries to sing when music is played....more like a hum
Recognizes pictures of family members
Thinks Dylan is his best friend (well technically he is....not sure the feeling is mutual on Dylan's end...he sometimes runs and hides from Ryan)

Ryan and I had a play date with some of our friends Caroline and Sophia. I was just telling their moms that exactly one year ago was when we first started getting together for play dates. We met in our swim class and have grown very close since. I remember seeing what little tiny babies they were in the first class and Ryan did not even know how to sit up on his own. We pretty much got together every Tuesday after swim class. Grazi and Sarah have become such great friends to me and to Ryan. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Caroline, Sophia and Ryan grow and play together. The things that they do and say together are just absolutely priceless. How Sophia still called Ryan "Caroline" today. And how Ryan ripped Sophia's pretty barrette out of her hair....he wanted a taste. How Ryan pushes Caroline in the little wooden wagon. How Caroline smiled stamping her feet in delight when we arrived. How they hug each other and wave bye bye to each other. Oh and how Ryan tried to sit in the little toy baby carriage. As the petite polite girls played with the pretend kitchen...Ryan climbed up the side of it as if it was a stepping stool to get on the couch. He is such a boy and the girls are such girly girls! It has been such a blessing to have these wonderful people in our lives and I don't know where I would be in this world without them. We talk about anything and everything and Sarah and Grazi have given me the best advice. I just wanted to thank you both for being such great friends. Thanks for all the great memories we have experienced so far. Ryan and I look forward to many more play dates in the future!

So glad to have Grammy and Grampy here to keep us company today while Greg is traveling. Even got to get out and get a pedicure for our trip. Yay! Have a wonderful week. Can't wait until Greg returns home!


Unknown said...

My friend Zack's mom met her four best friends at a swim class for babies like that. Zack's 26 now and their families are still inseperable!

Can't wait to see you in FL!

Christina said...

Ryan sounds like such a sweetie!
I added him to my blog fav. lists! :)