Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Finally an end to the mutiny...?

2008-02-12 Ryan 15 months

First of I have to thank everyone for the comments regarding the baby mutiny episodes from last week. I am happy to say that today was a very good day. Ryan ate and slept and napped well and overall less clingy and very happy...hooray. But yes feeding the toddler is the biggest challenge I have right now. For example the toddler ate all 3 meals without a fight today.... and napped for 3 hours without interruption. This all in one day is completely unheard of....and yes there was less drool today and less clinginess (is that a word?) and overall he was in a very pleasant mood today. Who knows. I got so nervous over the weekend about the mutiny which went on for 3 days (nearly refusing lunch and dinner all 3 days) combined with the fussiness and clinginess and our upcoming travel plans better be safe than sorry so I put a call into the pedi on Sat. afternoon. I dreaded doing this after all I carry the beeper for our practice once a month and I dread it when the beeper goes off....you never know if it is a simple question or a complete disaster on the other end. To my surprise it was our pedi and he was super sweet and assured me Tylenol would do the trick (and it did) and he agreed to see him the very next day. Who knew our practice had Sunday office hours? Glad I called. Turned out that it was just his lateral incisors coming in up top. Phew no ear infection that is what I was worried about. I know I am a bit neurotic about the toddler but when it is your child you lose all your common sense and assume the worst at all times (at least I do anyways). Glad we can rest assured it was just a bout of nasty teething..... But thanks everyone for your words of wisdom and encouragement! C3... it is nice to now we are not alone in the mutiny department....McCashew..hopefully Caro won't be as picky seems like she is a very good eater....Jenny... thanks for the tips! Ryan seems to prefer room temperature food too like Ava!

The toddler enjoyed some fun in the snow today. He had a ball! I bundled him up in his snow pants and boots and he had so many layers on he could barely walk. Ryan enjoyed playing in the snow and even took a little taste. Him and Dylan chased each other in the yard and we even ran into our neighbor Luke while enjoying our fun in the snow. Luke was also having a snow time photo shoot in his backyard. Luke lives 2 houses over and is 14 months old.

So We enjoyed a quick visit with Grammy and Grandad on Sunday they stopped by to pick up some baby stuff for our trip. That was such a huge help I can't imagine having to fly with all our baby equipment. I feel like we have so much more stuff this time around in comparison to our trip last year. Kerri good luck with your packing! I am all about lists too!

We are entertaining the idea of updating our kitchen. We really need to rip down the hideous wall paper, paint the walls, update the counter tops, and add a tile back splash. We poked around at home depot and Lowe's last week and got some great ideas. We got one estimate on the work last week and are awaiting another. Boy this came out to a bit more than we anticipated (I think it is always the case) Now we need to figure out if it will all be worth it...mainly we are updating to help improve the resale of our home in the future. Greg and I really want to do some of the work ourselves but realize it will be a challenge with the toddler and Greg's demanding work schedule. Plans are up in the air for now. Decisions, decisions, decisions. I am sort of all or nothing in terms of the renovations.....

Check out the new pictures..some from Caroline's cheerio themed b-day bash...and others of Ryan in snow and at Playtime Village. Have a great week! Thanks again for all the great feedback!

1 comment:

grammie sharon said...

glad our DUMPLING is eating better.

great outdoor pictures---

love grammie sharon