Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Night in the Big Boy Bed a Success....

So Yeah our first night (sans Greg) in the big boy bed was a complete success! Greg is away for work but coming home tonight Yay! Anyways Ryan went down without much fuss last night. He was extrememly tired though. There was a lot of in and out of the big boy bed and finally I told him he had to get in his big boy bed and go to sleep I had to go downstairs now. He stood at the gate and cried only a few minutes then I heard him run and jump in bed and sure enough I looked in the monitor and he was asleep in his bed....Hooray! And the best part was he slept all night and then I heard him at the gate this morning....."Mommy out" So I went and got him and told him how proud I was of him that he slept in his big boy bed! He was very proud of himself too. Hopefully he will continue to sleep in the bed! Yay Ryan such a big boy!


Erin Flynn said...

YAY, Ryan!

Your auntie and uncle are very proud of you!!!

mccashew said...

Way to go Ryan! Great work Jen - I should file this away for the future - what a great transition! Keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps up!