So I am almost 23 weeks now and I had a great check-up earlier in the week. The baby has a big strong healthy heartbeat and is measuring right one target. I have gained 8 lbs so far but it feels like a lot more! Of course I had to discuss my pregnancy cravings with the midwife (who was with me during labor with Ryan- my favorite in the practice) she is awesome. I talked with her about my weird craving for fish tuna sandwiches, all kinds of other fish salmon, cod, sole, and especially sushi (which I definitely cannot have) So weird even when I was pregnant with Ryan I craved tuna and all sorts of fish! In the first trimester the thought of fish actually gagged me but now I can't get enough of it. I am really trying to stay to the twice a week fish thing but it is so hard for me. I really wanted a tuna sandwich while at Panera with a friend on Wed but I knew that I had already had a tuna sandwich earlier in the week and that we were having fish tonight for dinner. Bummer! I settled on the sierra turkey instead but just not the same! I did have a california roll last week while out to dinner sans fish was so yummy! I am hesitant to eat event he cooked sushi rolls and vege rolls just b/c I know they are prepared on the same surface as all the raw stuff. I also crave a glass of good wine with dinner which again I know is totally off limits! I know some women who will drink a glass or two in the third trimester but not me. I will wait until after the baby is born.
I also talked to the midwife again about a possible VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean section) I mean I had talked with my OB Dr. about this at a previous visit and he had strongly discouraged that. The midwife who is very holistic of course disagreed! She told me I had CPD (cephalopelvic disproportion) due to Ryan's posterior positioning in the birth canal that is why I had the c/s. She assured me that it was based on the position only that the widest part of his head was the presenting part which made a success vaginal birth almost impossible. And no pitocin this time around if I do decide on a VBAC this medication produces artificial stronger uterine contractions increasing the likelihood of uterine rupture which can be fatal....yikes! I just hate to go through labor again only to end up in surgery anyways. If I decided on a scheduled c/s I can make arrangements for Dylan and yran and there will be no surprises! But then again a repeat c/s has its risks is major surgery and each time an incision is made scar tissue forms and the uterine wall is thinner at the incision site. This puts you ar higher risk of having complications with a subsequent pregnancy. I know again my medical background mostly works against me! It is scary when you know too much. I am leaning more towards a repeat c/s but still considering a VBAC have a few more weeks yet to decide.
On another note. I am feeling lots and lots of movement. This baby is very active just like Ryan. And in fact he woke me up last night with his little hiccups just in time to see the medal ceremony for the gymnastics around 12:30- 1 AM. Suddenly I think the hiccups annoyed him and he became very active either that or he really wanted me to see who won the gold medal last night! Glad I could see it even though I was half asleep and did not have my glasses on...
In other news Greg and I have a wedding tonight so Mimi and Papa are coming down to take care of Ryan... should be interesting how the bedtime routine goes in the big boy bed for them. All I have to say is thanks so much Mom and Dad be firm I know it is hard and most of all GOOD LUCK! I am sure Ryan will play all his tricks to try and prolong bedtime! Last night he fell asleep on the floor bunny blanket in hands by the gate and I transferred him to the bed without a problem. But again he slept well all night and I ended up waking him around 7 AM. He was a tired little boy. I told him you were coming today and he is so excited! Thanks a bunch! Looking forward to the weekend hubby will actually be around the entire weeekend no golf...What a shock this will be our first full weekend as a family in like 5 months! Looking forward to a relaxing weekend with friends and family!
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