Friday, July 18, 2008

It's a Boy!

So happy to let everyone know it's a boy! We are very excited! Had our ultrasound yesterday. Everything looks great and he appears to be very healthy. We had a slight scare they thought they saw a heart and stomach defect but the second ultrasound by the perinatologist at Yale showed normal organ development! Still very stressful. I will not truly be able to relax until he is born! But we are truly blessed to have our little Ryan who is healthy as can be and our new little baby boy on the way too! I just know that Ryan will really enjoy being a big brother!

In other news Granddad Jack is doing very well after his triple bypass surgery. He is expected to make a full recovery and may even be coming home today. So miraculous how far advances and technology in medicine have come. Again we are so happy to hear he is doing well! We love him very much and We hope his recovery goes smoothly! Thinking of you always!

In other news our oven died last week and I had an estimate to fix the darn thing and it was over $400 so we opted to buy a new oven even though our oven is only 5 years old. But it actually would have cost more to fix our current oven than to just buy a new one. So it should be coming next Tuesday. Not that we use our oven a whole lot in the heat of summer but I do miss it and I am looking forward to making Ryan some homemade mac and cheese and chicken fingers! We have been grilling alot and using the cook top!

Also last week my car died and I had Ryan in the car and groceries from Trader Joes and fresh fish from the fish market. I got back into the car leaving Swanson's and... hmmm funny my car would not start. Ok no big deal I will try again....still nothing. Then I start to panic slightly it was really hot out and I had Ryan and all these groceries in the car. So I reach for the instruction manual....not really helpful. I call Greg he is just leaving work thank goodness and is about 1/2 hour away. Okay that's not so bad but it was 85 degrees out with all this food in the car. So I just happened to glace across the street and to my surprise there was a service station there. So I figured why not just call...I have AAA but by the time they come Greg would be here. The guy over at the service station was so incredibly nice I explained my situation.....sounding desperate and he came running over with a jump start. Sure enough it was something so minor... my car battery. But he did advise me not to drive anywhere far or it may die again. I am thinking gee I have to go to work tomorrow.... So I just happened to ask if he had another battery to install for me and just my luck he sure did and he was happy to put it in. Gee how lucky and I. By this time Greg came and picked Ryan up along with the groceries and all was fine! I am so thankful I was in the right place at the right time! I mean the car could have died anywhere like New Haven or the Merrit. You can only image how horrible that would have been!

So after recent events from the past week we have a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes with the hustle and bustle of everyday life we tend to forget about what really matters in life. I wanted to actually start keeping an appreciation journal of all the things in life that I am grateful for and to look back at this journal when I am feeling down or stressed.

Today I am greatly appreciative for:
Ryan Alexander-the bringer of much joy to our lives, also extremely grateful that he is as healthy as a young boy can be!
That our new baby is developing normally and appears healthy
For having a supportive and loving husband who is always there for us!
Our constant loving companion Dylan
The heatlh of my parents and brother and all their love and support
The health of Greg's parents and siblings and all their love and support
And our extended family members too.
That we have a loving home to come home to everyday
That I have a child care provider that loves our son as much as we do
That I have the most wonderful job and I work with caring compassionate individuals
That I have such wonderful friends and family who support us in everything we do.
That Greg and I are in good health.

And the list can go on and I know I am forgetting some stuff. But just to keep in mind when the stresses of everyday life really seem to get to you try and look back upon what really matters in life and appreciate all the things you can be grateful for it just might make you forget about what upset you in the first place! I really want to become a more positive person and focus on the good rather that the bad things in life! That life is too short to dwell on negativity!

Quote from Greg yesterday

"Everyday that Ryan walks this earth is the happiest day of my life!"

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


grammie sharon said...

We are sooo excited to be having another grandson---Ryan is our joy.
We will now be doublely blessed.

love to all
mimi grandpa dede

Christina said...

Yay! Congrats!

Erin Flynn said...

So glad that your little boy is healthy, that must have been so stressful.

We can't wait to meet our second nephew!!!

Unknown said...

Awww...I can't wait to meet the little bubelah! Wait til Greg gets another little boy, then it will be double the happiest time in his life!

Jenny G said...

Congratulations!! I'm so glad that all is well. What a week you had. Beautiful post, too. Thanks for sharing it :)

mccashew said...

I was so wrong! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!