Monday, April 14, 2008

A Little Better Everyday

Ryan has been getting better a little more each day. He is now standing up a few times a day and I hear he took 2 steps today for Polina. This is huge b/c all he did for us all weekend was crawl around on the floor. We think it is a bad sprain at this point that will take time to slowly heal. It is just so hard to see your child in pain not to mention the fact that he is scared to put weight on his left foot. It is so hard to see Ryan crawl when just last week he was running. Sometimes you take everyday things such as walking for granted.

Also on Saturday we pulled an embedded tick off Ryan from the back of his head. We are pretty sure it was a dog tick. Not sure where he could have picked it up but we think maybe Dylan brought it in from outside. I called the pedi AGAIN and he assured me it was pretty common this time of year and not to be alarmed just to watch for the erythema migrans (bulls eye rash) or an unexplained fever. So we will keep a careful watch and hope for the best. Otherwise things are status quo here. We have been taking lots and lots of long stroller walks...pretty much the only thing Ryan can do outside at this sad we hope he starts walking soon.

Thanks for all the well wishes for Ryan and thanks for thinking of us.

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