Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bye Bye Dada....

So sad here in the house. Greg left for India today and I always get soooo sad to see him leave. The three of us had such a nice Saturday together the boys had pancakes while I went to my early morning spin class then Ryan helped Daddy pack his suitcases. Then we all went to the park to play. Ryan had his afternoon nap and we went out to dinner as a family before Greg had to leave. I only shed a few tears as he hugged me goodbye I tried not to let the toddler see me cry but he did so I quickly stopped. But thankfully I have Ryan and Dylan here to keep me company while Greg is away. Looking forward to our warm weather vacation next week.

Tomorrow we are having a play date with Bjorn and Arik. Their Daddy (Greg's boss)is also traveling to India with him. I don't know how Sylvie does it with the 2 boys and Victor is traveling more than Greg these days and they do not have any family at all in the U.S. I already told Sylvie to warn Bjorn that Ryan may eat his play dough and throw his matchbox cars tomorrow.

Oh did I mention it is becoming a challenge to type these days because the toddler got a hold of my laptop and ripped off the E and V key. The enter key was already missing he tore that one off quite some time ago. For some reason the toddler is very obsessed with the laptop! I try not to use it in front of him but I forgot to close the top the other day and he got his little hands on the keys and ripped them off. Ryan also loves the phone too. There is so much baby drool in the phone that people actually say on their end the sound is quite muffled....hmmm maybe it is time for a new phone. The toddler also managed to lose Daddy's blackberry today and we were frantically looking for it before he left for his business trip. Finally after calling it several times it was found under the couch...phew...We really need to stop letting the toddler hijack our electronic equipment.

Not much else new around here....Ryan is eating much better this week we think he is making up for last week. Hope everyone has a great week ahead. We are hoping Greg has a very safe trip and return home. We miss you more than you know!


grammie sharon said...

hello---thinking of you

we will be down late tuesday afternon--can't wait to see both our special boys (we include dylan as one of those boys) and out wonderful daughter.

love grammie sharon


Christina said...

HI! You can get the ultimate crib sheet at any Babies R Us - its great!!! it snaps right on top of your mattress and just so incredibly easy to change. Let me know if you end up getting it!

Your little guy is very similar to Christian! One of his fav. things to play with is our blackberries and half the time we cant find them either :)

Have a good week!