Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Stomach bug Ughh

Sorry for the lack of updates! I had that awful dreaded stomach bug last week! Kerri good thing we did not stop by on New Years Eve! I got to ring in 2008 plastered to the bathroom floor but not because I drank too much! Thankfully "team Ryan" came to the rescue there was no way I could take care of him I could barely get off the couch to let poor Dylan out. Greg took Ryan to Polina's for the day and then my parents came down from Ma to take Ryan for a few days so I could recover (I think they were itching for an excuse to spend some extra time with Ryan) But seriously thanks so much mom and dad. Greg would have had to stay home with Ryan and risk being exposed to this nasty stomach virus. Thankfully no one else but me got sick but it is currently running rampant through the office at work. The secretary had it over the weekend, Dr. Menon, and now today his assistant....gasp I just hope I do not get it again! This bug is so contagious and I just know I caught it at work from the patients. Ugghh thank goodness we are over it I hope we don't get it for another 20 years (that was the last time I had it). So thankful Ryan did not get it.

Other news Ryan has become obsessed with the broom!.....Polina has a broom she keeps outside her door to sweep her backyard patio and this morning as soon as I opened the door to get him out of the car he practically ran to the back door to get the broom....and he would not let it go. He loves brooms, shovels, ice choppers...pretty much anything with a handle. Did I mention his favorite Christmas gift a little broom from Grammy Sharon that says Suzy homemaker on the side. Yes Ryan loves to clean. He loves to take paper towels and wipe his tray from his highchair and wipe the sink with his wash cloth. I hope this continues. His favorite word seems to still be "Oora" for hooray! I just love it. He has become so much more talkative in the past few days. It is so funny he loves to mimic whatever I say. He also says "aal da" for all done. He is really starting to have such a curious personality about him.

This morning while making my morning bowl of oatmeal he reached in the lazy susan and grabbed the container of raisins and sat on the floor amusing himself for like minutes eating the raisins out of the can. I though it was so cute! He was very careful not to shove too many in his mouth at once too....I briefly envisioned having to do the baby heimlich on him.....they must have to too sweet after a few handfuls because he lost interest and moved in on my bowl of oatmeal with bananas so we shared it together and then we were off to start the day. I find it slightly easier to get ready for work with him now. He usually finds random things to amuse himself...like the container of raisins, we also have a food bag to drop off to the local soup kitchen and he enjoys taking the food out and putting it back in the brown paper bag, he also discovered the magnets on the refrigerator...while I am brushing my teeth in the bathroom I give him his toothbrush and we brush together in unison, or he will play with the shampoo bottles in the shower...knocking them down and standing them on the shelve again.....the cause and effect really captures his attention and you can see his mind working and that brilliant smile at the success. Oh and he loves the light switch too! The list goes on.....

More updates later...off to bed for now...in the AM trip to Stamford for a play date with Bjorn and finally get to meet Arik (Victor-Greg's boss and Sylvie's new baby)

Congratulations to our friend Jenny who had her son Tyler last Friday Jan 4th (click on the link above for details). He is doing well born early at around 29 weeks. Thinking of you Jenny and congratulations hope Tyler continues to stay strong!

1 comment:

Jenny G said...

Thank you for the congratulations. I really appreciate it. He continues to do well and each day we celebrate this. I still cannot believe he was 11 weeks early. Anytime I say it I am shocked all over again....

BTW, Ryan sounds like quite the personality...I do miss him and of course you, too!