Friday, October 26, 2007

Teething Woes...Again ughhh

So it is official Ryan is getting his first year molars. I wondered why he kept sticking his entire hand in his mouth while pointing his finger down his throat and finally today realized that yes he is indeed getting his first year molars. To my surprise he actually let me feel them poking through all the way back there! It was funny I did think something major was wrong last night when Ryan woke from his 2+ hour nap (that he so desperately needed) he was so groggy and clingy so we decided to go for a stroller walk with Dylan of course. And little Ryan was slumped over to one side of the stroller sort of dozing off even though he just woke from his nap. On walks he usually babbles holding on the the sides of the stroller kicking his chubby little legs in delight but not yesterday. I kept peering through the window to see what was going on. Even when Dylan barked at a nearby dog Ryan did not make a peep...totally unlike him he is usually so nosey leaning out of the stroller to see what the racket is all about.

Then when we got home from our walk it was dinner time and Ryan practically refused his dinner come to think of it he barely ate his breakfast refused his afternoon snack and only had a few bites of his lunch...again totally unlike Ryan to refuse any type of food! While Greg gave him his bedtime bath he just sat there....bath time is his favorite time and he usually tries to climb out of the tub always stands up several times and he always splashes and giggles in the tub. But last night no smiles or splashes or attempts to stand. Greg noticed he felt a little warm and was not feeling like himself so we took his temp and it was 100.7. I nursed him and put him down in his crib and he went to sleep right away. I was going to give him some baby Tylenol but he fell asleep so peacefully.

Before I went to bed I just had to pick him up to feel if he was still warm (I am so paranoid he will have a febrile seizure) so I told myself if his fever was the same or higher I would give Tylenol but it had come down to 100.3 and he slept peacefully all night..... thankfully. This morning he woke without a fever and seemed a bit whiny and clingy again gave Greg a hard time getting dressed fell asleep the whole way to Polina's and whined as I was leaving dropping him off. I had called her last night to give her a heads up he may be a bit grumpy in the AM. I packed extra food for lunch and snacks not knowing what he would feel like and to my pleasant surprise it was as if he was never sick at all. Polina said he laughed and played and walked all around first time all day he did not crawl...only walked! And ate everything and I mean I packed him with alot of food...a pumpkin pancake, cantaloupe, grapes, kiwi, strawberries, 1/2 apple, 1/3 of a banana, oatmeal, yogurt, spinach, pirate booty, goldfish, and cows milk. And he took his cereal with cow's milk and drank only from is sippy cup today...HOORAY! Such a relief he is feeling better I was afraid we might have to miss out on the Halloween Spooktacular Kerri!

So yesterday while we were upstairs little Ryan took Dylan the puppy's toy looked right at Greg and said "DIYYA" as if to say Dylan in baby talk. It was so precious! And I think he has actually done this before but I was not paying that much attention. Usually when he takes Dylan's toys he brings them to his mouth and we say that's Dylan's toy and take it away from him. This morning as I was eating breakfast he took Dylan's toy again and walked over to Dylan who was laying on the ottoman and tried to hand the toy to Dylan who was asleep disinterested in it all. Greg and I were so amazed!

Yesterday we also had a weaning consult with Dr. Smilie and she was so great as always. She answered all my questions and we left the office feeling really good and reassured that we were doing the right thing. Our plan for now includes nursing only in the morning and at night and giving cow's milk and water as needed for fluids during the day. Eating yogurt and fruit is fluid enough similar to drinking a cup of milk or juice. And I totally agree with Kerri that we will stay away from juice for as long as possible lord knows Ryan does not need the calories and he would rather eat his calories in the form of fruit than drink them :) Dr. Smillie also said to ditch the bottle and only offer the cup at this point. Also she recommended restarting the vitamin D supplement now that the days are getting shorter and the vitamin D from sunlight is lessening. She also told us not to deny Ryan if he wants to nurse during the day for naps etc but to try and distract him or limit his nursing time to shorter periods. He seems happy with this and I can finally ditch my breast pump for good YAY! I did not have to pump today at work and it is so nice not to have to wash everything and store the milk and then cart it back and forth. This seems to be working for us for now and I will let him decide when he is ready to move on.

It is getting chilly out there. Ryan wore his mittens and hat today. He gets so mad when we put his mittens on! I think he feels like we cut his hands off! He was so grumpy this morning and putting his hat and mittens only exacerbated his mood. He fell asleep in the car with his hands straight up in the "I surrender to the mittens pose" Also Ryan went to bed with is "straight jacket on" as Greg calls it. It is really a sleep vest blanket which is basically a blanket with a head and arms cut out. I put him in it as he was standing up and he ran away before I could put his legs in and zip him up. Picture this a little boy running around his bedroom in a blanket. Literally looked like he was wearing an extra long super man cape only white and fleece, LOL. Looked like a cathedral length train on a wedding gown hanging in the back. You would think it would slow him down...NOT! ha ha! Okay seriously though it keeps him warm and he can't suffocate himself or kick the blanket off. They are great.

So hope everyone has a great weekend. We will hopefully get some cute pics at the Halloween party tomorrow night. Miss you all. Turning oi now it has been a very busy week.



Erin Flynn said...

I can totally imagine Ryan running around with a fuzzy cape behind him - LOL! What a great idea to have a blanket that is impossible to kick off during the night...

mccashew said...

poor ryan with those molars!! I think we might finally have some teeth over here too - low grade fever and food refusal going on too!

We love our sleepsacks!

boo to juice - it makes me feel better that you agree, sometimes I think it is mean to deny her juice, but she doesn't need it right???