Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Happy Birthday Ryan! We are so excited because it is Ryan's Birthday today YAY!! Ryan slept in this morning until about 7:30 (he usually gets up around 7:000 and he was so happy talking to himself in his crib. I actually woke up before him and Greg and I lay in bed so happy I sooo wanted to wake him up to wish him a happy birthday but it was best to just let him wake up on his own. Anyways when he finally did wake up I got the video camera and we sang happy birthday to him in his crib. He was soooo happy and he danced in his crib while we sang happy birthday to him over and over again. It was like he knew it was his birthday! Then his favorite thing to do when we come in after we wakes in the morning and from his naps is to throw himself face first in his crib and kick his arms and legs laughing.....Polina says he does this for her too when he wakes from his nap. Then we helped him open his gift from us his push around buggy. We have not had time to try it out yet but I know he will LOVE IT!

Yes we have had a busy morning so far and it is only 2PM. Then Ryan had breakfast his oatmeal mixed with avocado and pumpkin and some mango and avocado for finger food and cheerios then I jumped in the shower and we were off to the pedi for his one year physical. YAY clean bill of health! 26 pounds three ounces and 31 1/2 inches long. Tippity top for both height and weight like 97th for weight and 99th for height and I can finally say he is taller than he is wide. He actually only gained a pound in three months and grew almost 2 full inches! He can eat anything now (b/c we have no history of food allergies) and YES he can have whole milk YAY! What will I do with the 130 ounces of breast milk in the freezer? Probably just mix a little for a while with the cows milk then use it for cereal. I have thrown so much of it away in the past I hate to waste more :( Oh well I really want to ditch my breastpump in a huge way! Ryan really has little interests in nursing anyways these days he'd rather be on ON THE MOVE! BTW he is walking so so well now I even let him (gasp) walk in the driveway and on the lawn. Yes we are religious about picking up the doggy do do now! Unfortunately for Ryan he also got 4 shots today too I felt like a really mean mommy making him get them on his actual birthday but his party is not until Sat. He took them all like a champ and barely cried. I opted not to get a flu shot for him he is not around sick children in daycare and most of his friends are at home. Greg and I plan on getting ours in the next few weeks. His pedi said unless he was in day care or around sick children there was really no need for yet another shot...the mercury and therosols- preservatives in the vaccines really freak me out!

So after a quick stop at Trader Joe's for some organic whole milk we came home to have lunch. Lentil soup and some cheese sticks he ate almost 2 whole cheese sticks! I swear he eats more than me! Ryan had a sippy cup of breast milk and cow's milk and he didn't even bat an eyelash! Oh yeah that's the other thing the pedi said no more bottle! The lactose from the milk can rot his teeth. We have to brush his teeth twice a day now and only sippy cups and no milk at bedtime after we brush his teeth only water. He has been napping for and hour and a half and I will have to wake him soon for his music class.

I told Greg yesterday I think I am ready for baby number too! I got so teary eyed thinking where we were one year ago, where we are today and how we agreed this past year has been the best year of our lives! Where has the time gone. It really is true when people say that children grow up so fast! We are enjoying every precious moment with Ryan. He is our dumpling our joy and we can't ever imagine life without him! See you all soon. I promise we will get a picture of the birthday boy up later on! I gotta wake sleeping giant soon for his music class

Love XOXOXO Ryan the birthday boy!

1 comment:

Erin Flynn said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! We can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend. Love, Auntie E and Uncle B