Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Second Time's a Charm

Ryan went for bloodwork again today and the second time was a charm...YAY! This time (the neurotic mom that I am)I did some research during Ryan's AM nap. Gasp, gasp...can you believe he napped for 2 1/2 hours? Now I know he does this for Polina (his sitter)on a regular basis...yes she even has to wake him sometimes after 4 hours!!!! but he never naps this long for me. Anyways I was not sure what to do with myself this morning while he napped so I decided to call the blood labs around in the area to find the best pediatric phlebotimist trained with babies and she happened to be 5.71 miles away in Stratford and all the labs in the area raved about this woman so we went there today. I made sure this time he was well rested and well hydrated he nursed and had lunch before we left and at last SUCCESS on the first try. Oh thank goodness I was so stressed and he was so well behaived I won't say no tears but very few! and with a quick recovery this time. Much better than the last trip to the lab. I told the woman she did such a fantastic job and I would be bringing him back should he need more blood work in the future. Glad that is over.

We then headed to mom's group across the street from the lab to say hello. We saw a few of Ryan's little freinds there and it was great to catch up with everyone. Ryan was very quiet at first I think slightly traumitized from the bloodwork that and there were 15 moms and 15 babies plus the group facilitator in a room smaller than my living room so we were a little tight. After some of the mom's left Ryan began to move around and it was my usual workout chasing after him and after I got tired it was time to leave. I was tired so I was happy that Ryan decided to take an afternoon nap so Dylan and I decided to take a short rest on the couch. Then we played with Sophia (our neighbor's granddaugher who is 2 1/2) for a while. She jsut adores Ryan and he really loves her baby swing.

Tomorrow we plan on trying something called stroller strides. Stroller strides is a fitness program designed for moms to exercise with baby in tow. From what I hear it involves brisk walking with the stroller or jogging and weight training too... mostly outside and during inclement weather the classes are held in local malls indoors. It is soemthing new and we are willing to try it out to see how it goes. Also next week we have a trial music together class. We are trying to decide what classes to sign Ryan up for in the fall. I will give you an update on how the trial classes go.

Hope everyone is staying cool. It's gonna be a hot one tomorrow. Love to all.


Great Grampy update....still hanging on....Not eating well but very determined to hang on a while longer. We just hope he does not suffer too much longer! XOXOXO to Great Grampy we love you!

1 comment:

Erin Flynn said...

I am so glad that things worked out on the second try! That was so smart to find someone who has experience with little ones...